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Clavicle Fixation For Fractures

Internal clavicle fixation is a procedure to repair a fracture, stabilising broken pieces in a unified structure. First, through open reduction, I can rearrange fragmented bones in their usual position. Surgical instruments such as screws, wires, and plates are often used to reposition the bones correctly; this method is called internal fixation.

A clavicle fracture refers to a break in the collar bone and is a relatively common injury. The clavicle is a slender bone that’s situated between the shoulder blade and ribcage. This point is more prone to fracturing due to injury. In addition, the central portion of bone is susceptible to breaking; this point closer to the shoulder blade or ribcage is likely to fracture. In most cases, concerning a majority of fractures, the bones move irregularly in an abnormal arrangement. A non-displaced clavicle fracture can often be treated using a supportive sling, which works by preventing too much movement while the bone heals. Naturally, with a non-displaced fracture, the bone fragments remain in the correct alignment and heal in this position. By using a sling, we can assist the bones in healing completely.

In some cases, however, surgery might be necessary to realign a complicated fracture. If this is the case, and the injury is a severe one whereby some bone penetrates the skin, an anaesthetic will be used while repairing the fracture. During the clavicle fracture surgery, I will carefully reposition the broken pieces of bone. The most common procedure that is performed for the repair of clavicle fractures is an open reduction and internal fixation. During this surgery, the bones are realigned and then held in place with plates and screws attached to the bone's outside surface. With the assistance of plates and screws, the bones will heal in a single direction without the risk of them shifting.


Any high energy injury with force transmitted from the tip of the shoulder can cause a clavicle fracture.

Collarbone pain, difficulty moving the shoulder or arm and swelling around the injury site are typical signs of a broken collarbone. Also, when the shoulder sags, this is often a sign of a fractured clavicle.

When the broken ends of the bone are displaced (they fail to meet) or they become shattered, you will need surgery to repair the fracture.


Tel 011 794 5758

Tel 011 014 0505


Address Johannesburg Surgical Hospital, 219 Beyers Naude Drive, Northcliff Randburg 2195